Friday, December 18, 2009


Latley been stumped with photography. Not having fun being blocked by every single website. Hopefully some inspiration will come over this week end, if not winter break is a perfect time to think and take photos. Suppose to snow tommrow so that's something to look forward to and maybe tae some pictures.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


My opinion of good art is something that stands out in a picture. I like to have black and white photos that focus on the rule of thirds. In good art i like to see people, i like art to seem real. When art is photoshopped too much is when it loses its "good" art factor. Minor changes using photoshop is better. I like to believe that good art is what every you like. It all goes back to critics and opinions. Referance to my older post "what is art".

Friday, December 4, 2009


I don't like politics. Government should not worry about art and trying to censor it. Government should have no say in what us citizens do artisticly. It's freedom of expression and speech, but like i said i don't care for Government and politics.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

World without music?

There is no easy way to describe a world without music. Inspiration comes from music, and if there is no inspiration there is no art. Music is something to get lost in. Some people use drugs to get away from it all, which is a bad way. That's what music can do for you, instead of doing drugs, listen to music to get away from it all. Music is also great as a relaxiant, just chill back with some tunes and rest. A world without music would be plain and boring. Inconclusion a world without music isn't a world for me.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Why do people make art.

Art is created because people can express themselves in there artwork. Also people make art because it's their passion. They might have grown up around art. Ideas, opinions and self realization can be processed throughout art work. Artist may find something inside them selves they never realized, or broadcast their opinios and ideas. Art is made for the consumer and the artist.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What is art?

Art is a broad term. Art is mostly what a critic sees. I view art as many differnt types, it could be music, paintings, architecture, even material items, such as cars. Most people decide what art is by if they like it. If i didn't particulary like a photo or painting, i wouldn't classify it as art, but that is just one critic's opinion. Art takes time, it's not something done instantly. For an artist it may take several hours to think of an idea, but don't get me wrong art can happen spontaneously. To sum it all up, Art is not always seen, music, language, poetry.

Favorite Pictures

Saturday, October 10, 2009


This is what i hope to be getting, Mom says its do-able, plus i will get a memory card and case.
On other note, besides hopeing for a nice SLR Camera, Life is good so far.
Driving comes easy, and the world opens up with the freedom to go anywhere you want. Besides the bagering for a ride everywhere, i like driving, and look for places where i might want to take a photograph or set up something. Anyway, something to look forward too and get through the day, photography, and my soon to be camera.

Love always. Jeff

Monday, October 5, 2009


I love phot0<3333333333333333333333

October 5th

Today is my Birthday. I got my liceeeeense, nah what im saying. Got chased down my gorilla man over the weekend. Good shi

Friday, October 2, 2009